Geb Admin
This class extends the core GEB
class with additional tools and contracts that are not used as often as other SAFE management tools. Here you will find utils for contracts such as DSPause, ESM etc. These contracts are scattered across several repositories. Please refer to the smart contract documentation to learn more about them.
IMPORTANT: To avoid bloating the main geb.js package this class is only available in a separate package. Please install it like this:
npm install @reflexer-finance/geb-admin
And after that you are ready to use the admin tools similar to the GEB class:
import { ethers } from 'ethers'
import { GebAdmin } from "@reflexer-finance/geb-admin"
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider('<API KEY>')
const gebAdmin = new GebAdmin('kovan', provider)
+ new GebAdmin(network
: GebDeployment, provider
: GebProviderInterface | Provider): GebAdmin
Defined in packages/geb-admin/src/geb-admin.ts:52
Name | Type | Description |
network | GebDeployment | Either 'kovan' , 'mainnet' or an actual list of contract addresses. |
provider | GebProviderInterface | Provider | Either a Ethers.js provider or a GEB provider. Support for Web3.js will soon be added. |
Returns: GebAdmin
• contracts: ContractApis
Inherited from GebAdmin.contracts
Defined in packages/geb/lib/geb.d.ts:70
Object containing all GEB core smart-contracts instances for direct level interactions. All of the following contracts object are one-to-one typed API to the underlying smart-contract. Read-only functions that do not change the blockchain state return a promise of the return data. State modifying function will return synchronously a pre-filled transaction request object:
to: "0x123abc.."
data: "0xabab234ab..."
This object follow the TransactionRequest model of ethers.js (Also similar to the model used by web.js). The object can be completed with properties such as from
, gasPrice
, gas
(gas limit, web3.js ony) or gasLimit
(gas limit, ethers.js only). The object can then be passed to the sendTransaction
of ehters.js or web3.js
// Setup geb.js an ethers
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider('<API KEY>')
const wallet = new ethers.Wallet('<Private key>', provider)
const geb = new Geb('kovan', provider)
// Contract read function: Fetch the debt ceiling
const debtCeiling = await geb.contracts.safeEngine.globalDebtCeiling()
// State changing function: Manualy liquidate a SAFE
const tx = geb.contracts.liquidationEngine.liquidateSAFE(ETH_A, '0x1234abc...')
await wallet.sendTransaction(tx) // Send the Ethereum transaction
Currently the following contracts ae available in this property:
- SAFEEngine
- AccountingEngine
- TaxCollector
- LiquidationEngine
- OracleRelayer
- GlobalSettlement
- DebtAuctionHouse
- PreSettlementSurplusAuctionHouse
- PostSettlementSurplusAuctionHouse
- SettlementSurplusAuctioneer
- GebSafeManager
- GetSafes
- BasicCollateralJoin
- CoinJoin
- Coin (System coin ERC20 contract)
- GebProxyRegistry
- FixedDiscountCollateralAuctionHouse
- Weth (ERC20)
For detailed information about the functions of each contract we recommend referring directly to the smart-contract code and documentation
• contractsAdmin: AdminApis
Defined in packages/geb-admin/src/geb-admin.ts:52
Object containing all GEB admin contracts instances for low level interactions. It currently has the following contracts:
- MultiSigWallet
- DsProxy
- DsToken
- ProtocolTokenAuthority
- GebPollingEmitter
- GebPrintingPermissions
- DsDelegateRoles
- DsPause
- DsPauseProxy
- GovActions
- TokenBurner
- FsmGovernanceInterface
- DsProxyFactory
- GebDeployPauseProxyActions
- DsProxy
- TxManager
▸ deployProxy(): object
Inherited from GebAdmin.deployProxy
Defined in packages/geb/lib/geb.d.ts:88
Deploy a new proxy owned by the sender.
Returns: object
- chainId? : number
- data? : string
- from? : string
- gasLimit? : BigNumber
- gasPrice? : BigNumber
- nonce? : number
- to? : string
- value? : BigNumber
▸ getErc20Contract(tokenAddress
: string): Erc20
Inherited from GebAdmin.getErc20Contract
Defined in packages/geb/lib/geb.d.ts:123
Returns an object that can be used to interact with a ERC20 token. Example:
const USDCAddress = "0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48"
const USDC = geb.getErc20Contract(USDCAddress)
// Get 0xdefiisawesome's balance
const balance = USDC.balanceOf("0xdefiisawesome..")
// Send 1 USDC to 0xdefiisawesome (USDC is 6 decimals)
const tx = USDC.transfer("0xdefiisawesome..", "1000000")
await wallet.sendTransaction(tx)
Name | Type | Description |
tokenAddress | string | Token contract address |
Returns: Erc20
▸ getGebContract‹T›(gebContractClass
: GebContractAPIConstructorInterface‹T›, address
: string): T
Inherited from GebAdmin.getGebContract
Defined in packages/geb/lib/geb.d.ts:165
Returns an instance of a specific geb contract given a Geb contract API class at a specified address
import { contracts } from "geb.js"
const safeEngine = geb.getGebContract(contracts.SafeEngine, "0xabcd123..")
const globalDebt = safeEngine.globalDebt()
Type parameters:
▪ T: BaseContractAPI
Name | Type | Description |
gebContractClass | GebContractAPIConstructorInterface‹T› | Class from contracts or adminContracts |
address | string | Contract address of the instance |
Returns: T
▸ getIncentiveCampaignContract(campaignNumber
: number): Promise‹StakingRewards›
Inherited from GebAdmin.getIncentiveCampaignContract
Defined in packages/geb/lib/geb.d.ts:131
Help function to get the contract object of an incentive campaign given its number ID
Name | Type | Description |
campaignNumber | number | incremental ID of the campaign |
Returns: Promise‹StakingRewards›
▸ getProxyAction(ownerAddress
: string): Promise‹GebProxyActions›
Inherited from GebAdmin.getProxyAction
Defined in packages/geb/lib/geb.d.ts:84
Given an address returns a GebProxyActions object to execute bundled operations. Important: This requires the address to have deployed a GEB proxy through the proxy registry contract. It will throw a DOES_NOT_OWN_HAVE_PROXY
error if the address specified does not have a proxy. Use the deployProxy function to get a new proxy.
Name | Type | Description |
ownerAddress | string | Externally owned user account, Ethereum address that owns a GEB proxy. |
Returns: Promise‹GebProxyActions›
▸ getSafe(idOrHandler
: string | number, collateralType?
: string): Promise‹Safe›
Inherited from GebAdmin.getSafe
Defined in packages/geb/lib/geb.d.ts:93
Get the SAFE object given a safeManager
id or a safeEngine
handler address.
Name | Type | Description |
idOrHandler | string | number | Safe Id or SAFE handler |
collateralType? | string | - |
Returns: Promise‹Safe›
▸ getSafeFromOwner(address
: string): Promise‹Safe[]›
Inherited from GebAdmin.getSafeFromOwner
Defined in packages/geb/lib/geb.d.ts:104
Fetch the list of safes owned by an address. This function will fetch safes owned directly through the safeManager and safes owned through the safe manager through a proxy. Safes owned directly by the address at the safeEngine level won't appear here.
Note that this function will make a lot of network calls and is therefore very slow. For front-ends we recommend using pre-indexed data such as the geb-subgraph.
Name | Type | Description |
address | string |
Returns: Promise‹Safe[]›
▸ gnosisSafeThreshold1SubmitTransaction(sender
: string, to
: string, data
: string): TransactionRequest
Defined in packages/geb-admin/src/geb-admin.ts:203
Submit a transaction to a gnosis safe directly executed. Works only if the threshold on the safe is 1.
Name | Type | Description |
sender | string | Proposal submitter |
to | string | Proposal target (Usually ds-pause) |
data | string | transaction data of the proposal |
Returns: TransactionRequest
▸ multiCall‹O1, O2, O3›(calls
: [MulticallRequest‹O1›, MulticallRequest‹O2›, MulticallRequest‹O3›]): Promise‹[O1, O2, O3]›
Inherited from GebAdmin.multiCall
Defined in packages/geb/lib/geb.d.ts:136
Type parameters:
▪ O1
▪ O2
▪ O3
Name | Type |
calls | [MulticallRequest ‹O1›, MulticallRequest‹O2›, MulticallRequest‹O3›] |
Returns: Promise‹[O1, O2, O3]›
▸ verifyWebScheduleCallcode(govFunctionAbi
: string, params
: any[], earliestExecutionTime
: number, calldata
: string, description?
: string): Promise‹boolean›
Defined in packages/geb-admin/src/geb-admin.ts:75
Verifies a transaction for scheduling proposals
Name | Type | Description |
govFunctionAbi | string | Human readable abi from gov actions or proxy of choice -> "setDelay(address,uint256)" |
params | any[] | Array containing all for the above function |
earliestExecutionTime | number | - |
calldata | string | to verify |
description? | string | - |
Returns: Promise‹boolean›
▸ webExecuteProposal(govFunctionAbi
: string, params
: any[], earliestExecutionTime
: number): Promise‹TransactionRequest›
Defined in packages/geb-admin/src/geb-admin.ts:99
Encodes executing a proposal in dspause for web GUI
Name | Type | Description |
govFunctionAbi | string | Human readable abi from gov actions or proxy of choice -> "setDelay(address,uint256)" |
params | any[] | Array containing all for the above function |
earliestExecutionTime | number | - |
Returns: Promise‹TransactionRequest›
▸ webScheduleProposal(govFunctionAbi
: string, params
: any[], earliestExecutionTime
: number, description?
: string): Promise‹object›
Defined in packages/geb-admin/src/geb-admin.ts:124
Encodes scheduling a proposal in dspause for web GUI
Name | Type | Description |
govFunctionAbi | string | Human readable abi from gov actions or proxy of choice -> "setDelay(address,uint256)" |
params | any[] | Array containing all for the above function |
earliestExecutionTime | number | - |
description? | string | - |
Returns: Promise‹object›
▸ webTestScheduleProposal(govFunctionAbi
: string, params
: any[], earliestExecutionTime
: number, description?
: string): Promise‹void›
Defined in packages/geb-admin/src/geb-admin.ts:173
Test the execution of a proposal about to be schedule in dspause with web GUI
Name | Type | Description |
govFunctionAbi | string | Human readable abi from gov actions or proxy of choice -> "setDelay(address,uint256)" |
params | any[] | Array containing all for the above function |
earliestExecutionTime | number | - |
description? | string | - |
Returns: Promise‹void›
▸ getGebContract‹T›(gebContractClass
: GebContractAPIConstructorInterface‹T›, address
: string, provider
: GebProviderInterface | Provider): T
Inherited from GebAdmin.getGebContract
Defined in packages/geb/lib/geb.d.ts:152
Returns an instance of a specific geb contract given Geb contract API class constructor at a specified address
Type parameters:
▪ T: BaseContractAPI
Name | Type | Description |
gebContractClass | GebContractAPIConstructorInterface‹T› | Class from contracts or adminContracts |
address | string | Contract address of the instance |
provider | GebProviderInterface | Provider | Either a Ethers.js provider or a Geb provider |
Returns: T